Monday, November 23, 2009

This is Step by Step upgrade process for my Elastix A2billing

Step 1: Drop Database

[root@elastix agi-bin]# mysql -u root -peLaStIx.2oo7

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 2866

Server version: 5.0.45 Source distribution

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.


mysql> DROP DATABASE mya2billing;

Query OK, 51 rows affected (1.11 sec)

mysql> quit


Step 2: Uninstall a2billing

[root@elastix agi-bin]# rpm -e elastix-a2billing

[root@elastix agi-bin]#

#mkdir /usr/local/src/a2billing

Step 3: Download a2billing tar package and create under folder /usr/local/src

[root@elastix agi-bin]# cd /usr/local/src/a2billing/

[root@elastix a2billing]#

[root@elastix a2billing]# wget



Connecting to||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 9658300 (9.2M) [application/x-gzip]

Saving to: `A2Billing_1.4.1.tar.gz'

100%[===========================================================================================>] 9,658,300 91.2K/s in 58s

14:58:54 (163 KB/s) - `A2Billing_1.4.1.tar.gz' saved [9658300/9658300]

[root@elastix a2billing]#

Step 4: Untar tha package

[root@elastix a2billing]# tar zxvf A2Billing_1.4.1.tar.gz

Step 5: create a MySQL database (mya2billing) for the billing software.
The file a2billing-createdb-user.sql includes a script that creates the database with the correct access control users and permissions.

#cd /usr/local/src/a2billing
#mysql -u root -p < DataBase/mysql-5.x/a2billing-createdb-user.sql
(the elastix mysql root´s password is: eLaStIx.2oo7)

The script with create a database, username and password with the following default values

Database name is: mya2billing
Database user is: a2billinguser
User password is: a2billing
After creating the database structure, we will create a set of tables and insert some initial basic configuration data

[root@elastix a2billing]# cd /usr/local/src/a2billing

[root@elastix a2billing]# mysql -u root -p <>

Enter password: eLaStIx.2oo7

[root@elastix a2billing]# mysql -u root -p mya2billing <>

Enter password: eLaStIx.2oo7

[root@elastix a2billing]# mysql -u root -p mya2billing <>

Enter password: eLaStIx.2oo7

Step 6: Copy the a2billing configuration file to /etc folder

[root@elastix a2billing]# cp /usr/local/src/a2billing/a2billing.conf /etc/

Step 7: 6) Edit the file.
#vi /etc/a2billing.conf
Change the "database" paramenter as follow, the other paramaters must remain unchanged:

hostname = localhost
port = 3306
user = a2billinguser
password = a2billing
dbname = mya2billing
dbtype = mysql

Step 8: Create the additional files and setup the correct owner:

Create the additional files and setup the correct owner

#touch /etc/asterisk/additional_a2billing_iax.conf
#touch /etc/asterisk/additional_a2billing_sip.conf
#echo #include additional_a2billing_sip.conf >> /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
#echo #include additional_a2billing_iax.conf >> /etc/asterisk/iax.conf
#chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk/additional_a2billing_iax.conf
#chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk/additional_a2billing_sip.conf

Step 9: Install the sound files
[root@elastix a2billing]# /usr/local/src/a2billing/addons/sounds/

Install A2Billing Audio files : en


creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en

creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/digits

mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en': File exists

Copy en files in the right folder ...

cp: cannot stat `./en/*': No such file or directory

cp: cannot stat `./global/*': No such file or directory

Install A2Billing Audio files : es


creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es

creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/digits

mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es': File exists

mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/es/digits': File exists

Copy es files in the right folder ...

cp: cannot stat `./es/*': No such file or directory

cp: cannot stat `./global/*': No such file or directory

Install A2Billing Audio files : fr


creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr

creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr/digits

mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr': File exists

mkdir: cannot create directory `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/fr/digits': File exists

Copy fr files in the right folder ...

cp: cannot stat `./fr/*': No such file or directory

cp: cannot stat `./global/*': No such file or directory

Install A2Billing Audio files : br


creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/br

creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/br/digits

Copy br files in the right folder ...

cp: cannot stat `./br/*': No such file or directory

cp: cannot stat `./global/*': No such file or directory

Install A2Billing Audio files : ru


creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ru

creating relevant folders : /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ru/digits

Copy ru files in the right folder ...

cp: cannot stat `./ru/*': No such file or directory

Copy ru digits files in the right folder ...

cp: cannot stat `./ru/digits/*': No such file or directory

[root@elastix a2billing]#

Step 10 : Edit /etc/asterisk/manager.conf and add the necesary user as follow:


Step 11: Copy the entire content of the AGI directory into asterisk agi-bin directory.
#cd /usr/local/src/a2billing/AGI
#cp a2billing.php /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
#cp -Rf /usr/local/src/a2billing/common/lib /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/

#chown asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/a2billing.php
#chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/lib
#chmod +x /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/a2billing.php

Step 12: Installing the GUI interface

#mv /var/www/html/a2billing /var/www/html/a2billing-old
#mkdir /var/www/html/a2billing
#chown asterisk:asterisk /var/www/html/a2billing

# cp -rf /usr/local/src/a2billing/admin /var/www/html/a2billing/
# cp -rf /usr/local/src/a2billing/agent /var/www/html/a2billing/
# cp -rf /usr/local/src/a2billing/customer /var/www/html/a2billing/
# cp -rf /usr/local/src/a2billing/common /var/www/html/a2billing/

#chmod 755 /var/www/html/a2billing/admin/templates_c
#chmod 755 /var/www/html/a2billing/customer/templates_c
#chmod 755 /var/www/html/a2billing/agent/templates_c
#chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /var/www/html/a2billing/admin/templates_c
#chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /var/www/html/a2billing/customer/templates_c
#chown -Rf asterisk:asterisk /var/www/html/a2billing/agent/templates_c

Step 12: Add the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/a2billing.conf with the follow lines:
Alias /a2billing /var/www/html/a2billing

[root@elastix AGI]# more /etc/httpd/conf.d/a2billing.conf

Alias /a2billing /var/www/html/a2billing

Restart the apache service:
#service httpd restart

[root@elastix html]#

[root@elastix html]# service httpd restart

Stopping httpd: [ OK ]

Starting httpd: [ OK ]

[root@elastix html]#

Now, to enter to new a2billing you must access it throught the follow URL:


the default user and password are:

user: root
pass: changepassword

Step 13 : Add the file /etc/asterisk/extensions_a2billing.conf with the follow lines:

; CallingCard application
exten => _X.,1,Answer
exten => _X.,2,Wait,2
exten => _X.,3,DeadAGI,a2billing.php
exten => _X.,4,Wait,2
exten => _X.,5,Hangup

; CallingCard application
exten => _X.,1,DeadAGI(a2billing.php|1|did)

Add the follow line to /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf at the top of the file:

#include extensions_a2billing.conf

Step 14: Create a file with the jobs in /var/spool/cron/a2billing with the follow lines:

# update the currency table
0 6 * * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/currencies_update_yahoo.php

# manage the monthly services subscription
0 6 1 * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_subscription_fee.php

# To check account of each Users and send an email if the balance is
less than the user have choice.
0 * * * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_notify_account.php

# To check all the accounts and send an notification email if the
balance is less than the first argument.
0 */6 * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_check_account.php

# this script will browse all the DID that are reserve and check if
the customer need to pay for it
# bill them or warn them per email to know if they want to pay in
order to keep their DIDs
0 2 * * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_bill_diduse.php

# This script will take care of the recurring service.
0 12 * * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_batch_process.php

# To generate invoices and for each user.
0 6 * * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_invoice_cront.php

# to proceed the autodialer
*/5 * * * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_batch_autodialer.php

# manage alarms
0 * * * * php /usr/local/src/a2billing/Cronjobs/a2billing_alarm.php

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