Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A2billing as Wholesale

You need to modify some a2billing.conf to use for wholesale.


; enable the callerid authentication
; if this option is active the CC system will check the CID of caller
cid_enable = YES

Note: By default is NO. If you set to YES, user will automatically promted by IVR " you have $$ dolar " meaning that

system checking CallerID.

For wholesale setting

; Play audio - this will disable all stream file but not the Get Data
; for wholesale ensure that the authentication works and than number_try = 1
play_audio = YES

=> Change to NO

; number of times the user can dial different number
number_try = 3

=> Change to 1

; if YES it will use the DNID and try to dial out, without asking for the phonenumber to call
; value : YES, NO
use_dnid = NO

=> Change to YES

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